
Posts Tagged ‘visual metaphors

Visual metaphors allow us to pay very close attention to what is taking
place in a certain medium. We are forced to look at what is beyond the surface
of the text and what we perceive the text is trying to explain. By taking the
vast majority of sign systems as smaller bits and pieces, we can decipher what
specific aspects are representing and how they function within these systems.
In relation to the film 7 Pounds, the visual metaphors are very subtle but
contain deeper understanding of what is happening. In this clip from the film,
Ezra, a blind meat salesperson is contacted by Ben (Will Smith) about the meat
he purchased.

The visual metaphors that were apparent were during the phone conversation.
Ben attacks Ezra by insulting his disability. He questions whether Ezra can
really be a meat sales person who has never seen or even eaten the meat he is
endorsing. Well, how could he? Of course one might argue that Ben had no right
to question Ezra work ethic based upon his impairment. However the signifiers
here that are at work are that, Ben seeks to make sense of why Ezra would have
the job in the first place, which unfortunately goes back to our society and
the ongoing debate of people with disabilities working in the office. We may
not have interpreted this at first glance because conventionally, we have
learned to look at the clip as just Ben being disrespectful. If you take a
closer look, you can make the connection that Ben is the signifier for our
society and it’s legalistic and the signified of undermining the capabilities
of people with disabilities in the work place. One can also make note of Ben’s
reaction after Ezra hangs up on him shows how he is reflecting upon who
fortunate he is to take advantage of the little things in life (seeing) and how
important it is for him to do the deed. The box jellyfish looming in the
background signifies the soon approaching end of Ben’s life and the reason as
to why he chooses to do this.

Word Count: 354

  • None
  • freefood1134: I love that movie and after viewing that clip, I am really tempted to watch it this afternoon. You have addressed some things about the characters in
  • rallen18: I really love how you did this post. Being a telecommunications major, I really understand how you used the camera as figuare because it does in fact
  • kshman: "...because viewers are compelled to believe what the voice over is saying." Why do you think this is? Does it have to do with conventions? How are th

