
Posts Tagged ‘Food network star

Synthesis makes the connection between the narrative, the argument and the image structure within a particular text. In this text (Food Network Star), the synthesis involved the story that is being narrated by the competitors. It’s narrative may not be as clear upon first glance, however if you consider the story that each person gives, you will see that it’s telling the story of 19 hopefuls on the ultimate journey to be the next Food Network Star. The same can be said for television shows very similar, such as American Idol or even Dancing with the Stars. Even though they may not all be apart of the same genres, but their narratives are quite similar in some sense.

As it relates to argument, the “reality” aspect of the show is questioned. The influence of the cameras, the reaction from the judges  and the competitors are all taken into account. Are the competitors acting or are they genuinely expressing who they truly are on camera? If so, we then being to question the “realism” of the show; what is real and what might not be real. The authenticity of the text being presented plays a critical role in who the audience will formulate their interpretations. We read the text as a whole for the most part, generally overlooking each specific part and it’s function in semiotics.

Visual images act as windows in which we can see beyond what the text is presenting. We take into account the structure of the images communicating  a specific thing. Whether they are verbal or non-verbal, we can almost always identify the signifiers and their signifieds. The creators of Food Network Star are no longer the determinants of the meaning of this text and the other interpretations of it as well. We, being the community of viewers, make our perspectives apparent.

Word Count:304

In this short clip of an episode of Food Network Star, the camera plays a very important role in how viewers react to what is taking place on the show; the signifiers and their signifieds helps the audience to formulate interpretations. Some of thee things I noticed in this clip what the shot of the guy at the farmers market when they just arrived and the way the camera focused on the judges as they critiqued the contestants plates. The long trailing shot made you think that there was a surprise awaiting to happen when the constants came to the farmers market. The emotions that are evoked while looking at this particular shot influences how the audience felt at that moment. The camera shots on the face of the judges as they react to the performances of the contestants and the food they have presented, influences the audience’s interpretations. How we read the interactions within the show assist us in formulating ideas of what could be taking place.The camera, music and motion
assist the audience in reading tv shows. The camera seemingly becomes our eyes, a
way of seeing the show as if we were there. By doing so we can formulate interpretations of
what is occurring through the eyes of the camera. Images from television shows seems to not
require much decoding, we interpret what we see based upon what the character
or scene is depicting. Since we have internalized these codes at a very young
age, we become conscious of their existence as we watch and analyze the conventions and non conventions of a show. It is easily understood that the conventions in a television shows are of the norm and can easily be recognized by any member of a particular audience. There is not much work that needs to be done when “reading” this type of television show.

Word Count:311

This season on Food Network Star, the competitors and judges seem to be more critical about how they are perceived by their “at home” audience. As noted in past seasons, there has been quite a few changes to the direction the show is heading. Yes, Food Network is aiming at keeping the show interesting and exciting as the seasons progress. However, one might argue that the show is becoming a reality tv show, focusing more on the drama that comes along with competing to be the next Food Network Star. But has there ever really been a genre associated with food related television shows? Did we, being the audience, ever really thought about where the specific conventions of this type of television show might be placed? By examining different parts of the show, we can pick out a few elements that can be categorized into various genre types. Overall, the show is a regular food television show with a side of reality and drama.

Another element of this type of television show that we can take into consideration, is the idea of whether or not the actions of the cast or rather the competitors are influenced by the cameras being present. Do they react in certain ways because of what they think the audience would see or are we formulating our own perceptions based on what the cameras are showing? Yes and no because whose to say that the competitors actions are being influence or whether what is happening is more so reality. It is understood that the cameras are meant to assist us in how we perceive things and function as our eyes. As we look at the show and all the rhetorical and conventional aspects of it, we can realize that there is more to just what we “see and read” . We would have to focus on other elements to come to a conclusion, if possible of how they all function.

Word count: 323

Food Network Star is a show on Food network, that puts a group of professional chefs up to the challenge of becoming America’s next Food Network Star. At first glance you would imagine that this television show was just like any other food competition, bragging right and title holding show like, Hell’s Kitchen, Top Chef, etc. However, the interesting element about this show is that it is very similar to a reality tv show, in the sense that contestants become so caught up in the show and how their lives become affected by those who they are competing against. Most certainly, the average viewer would recognize that this show is slowly becoming a reality tv food drama. The contestants are strategically coming up with ways to get “knock out” the weakest and strongest competitors each challenge. The competitors seek to prove to both the judges, their fellow contestants and America that they are worthy of claiming the title of th next Food Network Star. During the process, we see the true intentions of the contestants, some may encourage their fellow competitors to keep up the good work, while others seek to be on top regardless of who they step on. ‘Its a dog eat dog kinda thing’ most people may say however, when did Food Network Star become such a reality show. Seasons before didn’t have this much drama and rivalry among the contestant. Is this what the Food Network show was aiming at this season? If so, they have hit it! Claws are beginning to come out, people are being put to the test by their fellow competitors and true intent is becoming more and more evident.

This show allows us to think of the conventions of “reality” television shows. Are they only to be viewed as “reality” tv or should we label other shows, very similar to others within the same genre, as  reality tv? This show in particular strays away from the narrative conventions of typical food competition shows. It’s not longer about the food and the competition, its more so now about who can “knock down and knock out” their fellow contestants at all cost. Like crabs in a barrel, only the best of the best will prevail. Sad to say but we can consider how this show is unconventional in this way.

  • None
  • freefood1134: I love that movie and after viewing that clip, I am really tempted to watch it this afternoon. You have addressed some things about the characters in
  • rallen18: I really love how you did this post. Being a telecommunications major, I really understand how you used the camera as figuare because it does in fact
  • kshman: "...because viewers are compelled to believe what the voice over is saying." Why do you think this is? Does it have to do with conventions? How are th

